(re)Tell Submission Information
January 15 - February 6, 2020
While there is an opening date for the exhibition,
work received after February 6 will be added to
the exhibition.
PDFs for Download / Print
(re)Tell Description
Registration Form
You may also submit a PDF, or .doc via email.
Please include a Registration Form.
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Complete registration form
DownloadPaper size: 8.5 x 11 (letter)
Up to 3 pages per story.
You can use the provided template.
If not be sure to include your name, and
story title at the top of the page.Handwritten or typed.
Must be legible.
Black and white or color original or copy.You may also submit a PDF, or .doc via email.
Please include a Registration Form.Mail or deliver in-person
950 Dorchester Avenue
Dorchester, MA 02125Work will only be returned if a self-addressed,
stamped envelope is provided.Sales: 50% Storyteller / 50% Gallery